Join us

<p>Portrait of a female chemist at work in a pharmacy</p>

Do you want to join our mission to change the course of cancer treatment? 

Our mission at Mendus is to change the course of cancer treatment by developing maintenance therapies that extend disease-free and overall survival, while preserving quality of life for people living with cancer.

Open positions

    Want to join our team but didn’t find a suitable vacancy? Get in touch anyway, we are always interested in hearing from like-minded people who want to take part in our mission.


    <p>Image of old buildings by a dock with boats laying in the water in the foreground.</p>

    Head Office

    Västra Trädgårdsgatan 15
    111 53 Stockholm

    <p>City image from a walkway, with a church and tall buildings in the background.</p>

    R&D Offices

    Emmy Noetherweg 2K
    2333 BK Leiden
    The Netherlands

    <p>Overview image of a city, shot in low sunlight from a far distance.</p>

    Gothenburg Office

    Mendus C/O AstraZeneca BioventureHub
    Pepparedsleden 1
    431 83 Mölndal