
<p>Surfer woman with longboard surfboard at Famara beach in Lanzarote Canary Islands</p>

Welcome to Mendus’ Investor Relations page. Mendus is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm under the ticker symbol IMMU. You will find all relevant information on the Mendus share in our Investors section.

Auditors and audit committee


According to the articles of association an auditor shall be appointed each year at the annual general meeting for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting. The registered audit company Ernst & Young AB was re-elected as auditor of Mendus at the annual general meeting 2022. Charlotte Holmstrand, authorized public accountant and member of FAR, is the auditor in charge.

Audit committee

The company has a remuneration committee consisting of Dharminder Chahal (Chair), Sven Andreasson and Hans Preusting. The tasks of the audit committee are set out in its instructions, which are adopted by the board annually. The audit committee shall supervise the company’s financial reporting and the efficiency in the company’s internal control and risk management with reference to the financial reporting, be updated with reference to the audit of the annual report and other financial reports and examine and supervise the impartiality and the independency of the auditor. The audit committee shall also evaluate the audit process and assist the nomination committee in the preparation of proposals of auditor to the annual general meeting. In addition to this the audit committee shall, inter alia, together with the company’s auditor, review related party transactions and accounting policies in connection with quarterly and annual reports.